Planting Peace

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in our communities.

If there is to be peace in our communities, there must be peace in our schools.

If there is to be peace in our schools, there must be peace in our homes.

If there is to be peace in our homes, there must be peace in our hearts.

If there is to be peace in our hearts, there must be seeds of peace planted there.

~Dee DiGioia ~ adapted from Lao Tse’s “Peace in the Nations”

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children” which I wholeheartedly agree with AND the responsibility of adults is to provide this type of education beginning with their own embodiment of the practices in their daily lives. We cannot expect children to learn and live a peaceful life when it is not being modelled by adults in their lives and in the world. For a peaceful world, we begin within. In so doing, each ONE of us, together, can transform the world, one mindful, kindful, peaceful choice at a time.

Student from our Peace Pals class.
Mindful Kindful YOUniversity (MK YOU) offers mindful, kindful, peaceful community and school programs for the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole, for anyone living in or visiting our community. Learn about all of our programs and services for youth and for adults at Mindful Kindful YOUniversity and consider how we can collaborate and work together to bring the vision of mental health and well-being to our communities. 

NEW! Online Membership Program for

Youth and their Grownups at Home/School

>>> Mindful Explorers <<<

Dee DiGioia, founder of Mindful Kindful YOUniversity, offers Mindfulness-based Social-Emotional Learning Programs across San Luis Obispo County for youth and adults to learn and engage in practices of mindfulness and movement grounded in science and backed by research  to support mental and physical health and well-being. Respond more skillfully to life in the 21st Century!

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