Meet Dee DiGioia

Meet Dee DiGioia

Founder of Mindful Kindful YOUniversity

Sound Healing Practitioner

Drum Circle Facilitator

Mindfulness & Life Skills Guide for Well-being through Nature Connectedness

Hi! I am Dee DiGioia (di JOY uh).

As a holistic educator, I find immense joy in guiding others to uncover and understand the intricacies of the mind and body. I am dedicated to helping individuals cultivate life skills and positive habits that enhance emotional, physical, and social well-being. Mindfulness is woven into every aspect of my life, both personally and professionally, and I coach others to embrace this practice as well.

In 2017, I founded Mindful Kindful YOUniversity, driven by a passion to introduce mindfulness and well-being programs that positively impact the lives of children and adults in our schools and communities. The goal was to address the myriad challenges that youth and adults face, which can interfere with learning, relationships, and overall mental health and well-being.

For several years, Mindful Kindful YOUniversity flourished, providing adult classes and workshops, as well as programs like “Mindful Explorers,” both in-school and virtually, to nurture mindfulness and social-emotional learning skills in young minds. However, in 2022, I needed to return to my previous role as a speech-language therapist in schools. This transition required me to step back from teaching and developing my mindfulness programs, which was a difficult but necessary decision.

Returning to the public education system reminded me of the significant challenges educators face daily. It reignited my commitment to fostering well-being, not just for students but for adults as well. This led to a new focus: offering Sound JourneysDrum Circles, and Retreats designed for adult self-care, relaxation, connection, and healing.

As of June 2024, I have left public education once again (officially retired), this time to fully commit to the evolving offerings of YOUniversity. My experiences have underscored the critical importance of self-care and mindfulness in our lives, and I am excited to dedicate myself entirely to this mission, supporting individuals in their journeys towards better mental health and well-being.

I am grateful for the experiences, resources, and training that enable me to share the wisdom, science, and evidence-based practices of mindfulness, social-emotional learning, eco-science, sound healing (and drumming), and more. These practices have repeatedly proven to foster greater resilience, joy, and peace in life, leading to a mindful, kindful, and peaceful existence.

The Journey

To understand how Mindful Kindful YOUniversity came to life, it’s essential to look at what preceded it. My life’s experiences are the very fabric of the program to which I am deeply committed.

 >>>  READ  MORE  <<<

Credentials: Certifications, Training, Experience

I am a passionate lifelong learner, deeply engaged in exploring the inner workings of the human mind and body, including mindfulness, psychology, mental health, and trauma. Over the 15 or more years, I have received and continue to pursue additional training in various programs. I am grateful for the experiences, resources, and training that allow me to share the wisdom, science, and evidence-based practices of mindfulness, social-emotional learning, and sound healing. These practices have consistently proven to foster greater resilience, joy, and peace in life—what I like to summarize as being more Mindful, Kindful, and Peaceful.  >>>  SEE MORE  <<<

~ Dee DiGioia (di JOY uh)


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