Sound Journey

“Serenity” Sound Journeys

A soothing, restorative, and therapeutic experience promoting deep rest, relaxation, and healing.

Offered year-round in Baywood-Los Osos, CA and various locations in San Luis Obispo County. Visitors to the beautiful central coast of CA are welcome! 

Public and custom private events!

See ALL of our events on our CALENDAR page

About Serenity Sound “Bath” Journeys

Join me for an intimate sound journey experience in my peaceful sanctuary in Baywood-Los Osos, CA overlooking Morro Bay.  (Additional locations coming soon.)

This is a deeply-immersive, meditative listening experience which intentionally uses sound vibrations to invite gentle, yet powerful, therapeutic, and restorative processes to nurture and nourish your mind, body, and soul. Enjoy a tranformational re-set to fill your “well” of well-being whether it’s for healing, for reducing stress by inducing deep rest and relaxation, and/or for promoting inspiration and creativity.

A sound journey is also referred to as sound healing or as a sound “bath”. There is no actual bath in water, but rather, participants are “bathed” in sound vibrations. Sound journeys promote harmony and balance within, relieving stress, and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal and come back into its natural, healthy vibrational state. Tune your body like an instrument to harmonize with all of life! Come rest and renourish yourself! 

It is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. 

Luxuriate in the therapeutic healing frequencies and sound waves from crystal singing bowls (432hz), Himalayan metal singing bowls (432hz), “Deep Breath” Chinese gong, various chimes, shamanic drums, and other sound instruments combined with guided breathwork and meditations on varying “themes”Guests typically lay on  a mat on the floor with blankets (chairs if preferred).

Benefits of sound healing for well-being

Our sound journeys are not only for relaxation – they’re also a pathway to well-being. The methods and techniques are based on an integrated model of evidence-based practices found to promote well-being. How can a sound journey support YOU or someone you care about? Click on button below.


We have new dates and themes being added all the time. Location is currently in Baywood-Los Osos at the YOUniversity, however, additional locations coming soon!

Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. 

Dates and times subject to change.

Or schedule a private, custom session for yourself / for a loved one / with a partner / or with a group (family, friends, coworkers). Learn more…

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Give the gift of well-being. Treat a loved one, friend, or co-worker!
I’ll be your guide for this experience!
Questions? Contact Dee DiGioia
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