About a Sound Journey


What is a sound journey, aka sound “bathing”? What are the benefits?


Our bodies are made up of energy centers and meridians. When our bodies are exposed to sound, we are able to release blocked energy, old cellular memories from trauma, negative emotions, and other blockages that are the cause of mental, emotional, or physical dis-ease. The sounds introduced help to release energetic blockages in our mind/body which enables space for new healthy energy to come in.

      • Mental: Sound can assist in relieving stress and tension. It also helps to quieten repetitive thought patterns from a busy mind & relaxes one into a meditative state where deep inner silence & stillness is experienced.
      • Emotional: Sound helps to move and release emotions which are stored in the body. Through this process old patterns and behaviors which are no longer serving one’s highest good are released. The release of these emotions allows for a greater flow of energy throughout the body by clearing energy blockages.
      • Physical: Sound can cleanse the organs of toxins in your body and help to regulate their functions as each has its own frequency. Sound can help to relieve constipation, headaches, throat problems, stomach-aches, and aches in the joints and bones.
      • Spiritual: Sound can clear negative energies or entities that may be attached to one’s aura or any other part of one’s being.

Our bodies are also made up of approximately 80% water, so our bodies are excellent conductors of sound.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -Albert Einstein

Sound vibrations and specific frequencies will be combined with guided meditation and intention setting. It is through the simple utilization of attention and intention that the energetics within us can transform.

Sound amplifies our true inner nature. When we focus on the positive states inherently within, the sound assists in realizing and sustaining this positive state within us! Sometimes that inner state become muddied or blocked so we were unable to see or access it. And so we work with clearing and balancing  the entire pathway from ground to sky, from root to crown, from foot to head, and beyond!

My instruments include the Premium Heaven and Earth 9 Bowl Frosted Crystal Bowl Chakra Set with 432 Hz tuning. In addition to 7 bowls for each of the 7 chakras, this set includes the low F for the Earth Star which is located below the Root Chakra (my favorite!!!) and the high C for the Soul Star which is located above the Crown Chakra. These bowls are powerful and you will experience the strong vibrations they send out.  I also have a beautiful and powerful gong, Koshi chimes, an ocean drum, a water fountain, and more, to accentuate the sound experience.

The instruments in a sound journey facilitate shifts in our brainwave state through “entrainment”.

“Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur). This same concept is utilized in meditation by regulating the breath, but with sound it’s the frequency that is the agent which influences the shift.” [*Nate Martinez]


All you need to do is participate! Come rest, come connect, come explore what awaits your discovery!

What are the benefits of sound healing?

The science is rapidly confirming the benefit of the combination of intentional sound and guided imagery practices as ultimately beneficial to the process of healing emotional and physical health and well-being. It is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care.

Sound Journeys/Bathing/Healing/Therapy promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress, and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal mentally and physically.  Sound healing can offer a range of benefits, and listed below are just some of what people have reported or that has been documented through research, including stress reduction, improved sleep, pain relief, enhanced creativity and intuition, and greater emotional balance and well-being. It can also be helpful for those experiencing depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Some of the top issues that people seek to relieve with sound healing include:

  1. Stress and anxiety: Sound healing can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation by slowing down brainwaves and promoting a meditative state.
  2. Insomnia and sleep disorders: The soothing tones of sound healing can help to promote restful sleep and alleviate insomnia.
  3. Pain and inflammation: The vibrations produced by sound healing can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body.
  4. Depression and mood disorders: Sound healing can help to uplift mood and promote feelings of well-being by releasing endorphins and serotonin in the brain.
  5. Digestive issues: The vibrations produced by sound healing can help to improve digestion and relieve digestive issues such as bloating and constipation.
  6. Chronic fatigue: Sound healing can help to boost energy levels and promote a sense of vitality and well-being.
  7. Emotional trauma: Sound healing can help to release emotional blockages and promote healing from past traumas.

Disclaimer: Sound Journeys are not a substitute for medical care. The information on this web site is for general and educational purposes only. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information on this web site is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.

Sound healing is contraindicated for the following conditions, so please do not proceed with this appointment if you fall into any of the following groups:
*People with carotid stenosis or carotid atherosclerosis
*People with cardiac pacemakers, artificial heart valves, or cardiac arrhythmias
*People with a stent or shunt
*People with a deep brain stimulation device (DBS)
*People with epilepsy
*People who are post-surgery, prior to suture removal, prior to full healing and closing of surgical scars
*People who are in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy