Resonance of Connection: The Gifted Drum’s Journey

Resonance of Connection: The Gifted Drum’s Journey

In the quiet corner of my home sanctuary, where I sat working on Drum Circle outreach, there came a moment that stirred the very essence of “community”.

It began with a simple invitation—an offering of rhythm and connection amidst the stillness in our peaceful neighborhood. Our very first drum circle beckoned (last July ’23), and while most neighbors smiled politely and excused themselves from the unfamiliar gathering, there was one couple who accepted the invitation, if only briefly. They delicately attempted to convey that it wasn’t something they typically engaged in “down in L.A.”, mindful of not causing offense.

So it was a complete surprise when, a year later, a knock on my door, and there was my neighbor carrying a humble yet significant gift—an old drum, weathered by time and rescued from obscurity. 

Our neighbor explained its journey—a salvage from the discard pile, which he rescued, cleaned, and oiled with care in order to share it with me. He spoke of its origins in Oklahoma, perhaps crafted by a renowned Native American artist whose signature was etched on its thick wooden frame. “Perhaps you’ll appreciate this,” he humbly offered.

As I cradled the drum in reverence, its worn spots whispered tales of resilience and quiet dignity. It spoke of journeys taken, of voices silenced, and of a longing to be heard once more. In that moment, the drum ceased to be a mere instrument; it became a vessel of stories, a conduit for healing.

At our recent drumming gathering, surrounded by the rhythmic heartbeat of friends and strangers alike, I shared its tale. With each beat, I wove a narrative of empathy and understanding—a testament to the strength found in unity and the healing power of shared expression.


“We’ve all been ‘down in the dumps,'” I explained, my heart carrying the weight of shared experience. “Or perhaps you have also felt times when you didn’t have a voice. That no one wants to hear what you have to say. But here, within this drum and within each of us, lies a voice waiting to be heard. Let us embrace its story, its spirit, and come together in compassion for those facing their own trials.”

And so we listened to the steady rhythm and welcomed the drum into our circle. Its voice resonated, carrying with it the echoes of resilience and the promise of renewal. In its still sturdy frame and its weathered, timeworn hide, we found a reflection of our own journeys—a reminder that even amidst adversity, there is beauty and strength waiting to be uncovered.

“The drumbeat voices our connection to all creation. When we drum together it strengthens our connection to each other. The rhythm of creation is the harmony of humanity, and where there is harmony there is peace.” (-“from The Grandmother Drum”)

In deepest gratitude, we drummed. Not just for ourselves, but for all who seek solace and connection. For in the heartbeat of community, we find the courage to heal, to uplift, and to honor the voices that too often go unheard.

~Dee DiGioia, “Joyful Rhythms” Drum Circles

See also: Call of the Drum: A Journey of Rhythm, Community, and Transformation


Dee DiGioia, founder of Mindful Kindful YOUniversity in Baywood-Los Osos, is a dedicated practitioner and guide in mindfulness, sound healing, and life skills for well-being through nature connectedness. Her expertise as a Drum Circle Facilitator has been honed through extensive training, including programs such as “Rhythm 2 Recovery” with Summer Lall, “Drum Leadership Training” with Jim Donovan, and Arthur Hull of “Village Music Circles”, a pioneer in drum facilitation. Continually advancing her skills in drumming and sound healing, Dee recently transitioned from a full-time role in special education to fully concentrate on expanding her outreach and services promoting health and well-being across San Luis Obispo County.


Call of the Drum: A Journey of Rhythm, Community, and Transformation

Call of the Drum: A Journey of Rhythm, Community, and Transformation

One year ago, I stood at a crossroads a few weeks ahead of my July birthday, unsure of how to mark the passing of another year. I told David, my partner, about my decades-long desire to join a drum circle. The rhythmic beats had always beckoned to me, but fear and uncertainty held me back. With David’s encouragement, I dared to dream bigger: why not host my own drum gathering?

So it was decided. Invitations were sent out to friends and subscribers, urging them to bring drums or home-made drum-like creations to our potluck celebration.

As the day unfolded, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Would anyone come? Would they enjoy it? How do I even “do” this? What was I thinking?

To my joyous surprise, the evening became a symphony of laughter, rhythm, and newfound connections. Some brought spare drums, others fashioned makeshift percussion from household items. We drummed with abandon, feasted together, and shared stories around our little firepit. As the last beats faded, someone asked, “Can we do this again?”

And so, a monthly tradition was born—a vibrant tapestry of old friends and new faces, united by the pulsating heartbeat of our drum circle. In those early days, I stumbled through rhythms and beats, unsure yet undeterred. Each gathering became a canvas where strangers became friends and music became a language of the soul.

Little did I know that this simple decision would ignite a transformative journey. From that first hesitant strike of the drum, my life has unfurled into a kaleidoscope of rhythms and melodies. I’ve immersed myself in drumming trainings, from Denver, to online, to the upcoming training in Hawaii with Arthur Hull, who ignited this facilitated drumming concept over 30 years ago. My modest drum collection (starting at 0 one year ago) has blossomed into a riotous assembly of well over 40-50 instruments—each with its own story and soulful resonance.

Image from our first drum circle!

But it’s not just about the drums; it’s about the people. Together, we’ve woven a community where healing thrives, joy resonates, and laughter echoes through every beat. Hearts have mended, spirits have soared, and connections have deepened with every circle we form.

As I stand on the cusp of “tomorrow”, my heart brims with gratitude for each person who has shared in this odyssey. With every passing month, the circle widens, embracing new possibilities and unforeseen horizons. I eagerly await the unwritten chapters of this adventure, knowing that each beat carries us closer to the heart of human connection.

And so, with a drum in hand and a soul filled with rhythm, I march forward—towards the unknown, towards a future where the drumbeat of community continues to guide my path. ~Dee DiGioia

Post Script:

This beautiful drum (image above) was recently gifted to me and has a story of it’s own. You can read about it here: Resonance of Compassion: The Gifted Drum’s Journey to Healing

If you have not yet joined our “Joyful Rhythms” Drum Circles, I truly hope you will!  Enjoy the photo gallery below.

~Dee DiGioia, “Joyful Rhythms” Drum Circles

Photo Gallery

My first drum – happy birthday to me, July 2023
This beautiful djembe was donated to me and is my very favorite drum that I use as my own. Since the djembe originated in Africa I chose to name my drum “Keisha” which means “great joy.”
This drum was donated and used as our “Joyful Rhythms” mascot and reminder that this is all about having FUN!
Just some of the inventory of our drums that participants are welcome to borrow during our Circles. Many of these were donated.
Just some of the inventory of our drums that participants are welcome to borrow during our Circles.
Just some of the inventory of our drums that participants are welcome to borrow during our Circles. The ones on the bottom are “tubano” style and are nesting drums (2 others stacked within).
Our gathering drum has become a favorite!
Learn more about “Joyful Rhythms” by clicking on the image. Join us! Public and private events throughout San Luis Obispo County.


Dee DiGioia, founder of Mindful Kindful YOUniversity in Baywood-Los Osos, is a dedicated practitioner and guide in mindfulness, sound healing, and life skills for well-being through nature connectedness. Her expertise as a Drum Circle Facilitator has been honed through extensive training, including programs such as “Rhythm 2 Recovery” with Summer Lall, “Drum Leadership Training” with Jim Donovan, and Arthur Hull of “Village Music Circles”, a pioneer in drum facilitation. Continually advancing her skills in drumming and sound healing, Dee recently transitioned from a full-time role in special education to fully concentrate on expanding her outreach and services promoting health and well-being across San Luis Obispo County.


Flowing and Growing Through Life

Flowing and Growing Through Life

The process of becoming

Once again, we come full circle to the summer solstice—a time to reflect on cherished memories, and to nurture hopes and dreams for this season of the year and for this season of your life.

Nature, in its seamless cycles, offers us profound lessons on transformation. The transition from one season to another, the rhythm of day turning into night, and the calming of storms all illustrate that change is not an abrupt event but a continuous process. Each element in nature plays its part in an ongoing dance of transformation. A fallen leaf decomposes and enriches the soil, which in turn nourishes new plants. Similarly, a pine cone can either nurture wildlife or give rise to a new tree. These natural processes highlight that what seems like an end is merely a step in the journey of becoming.

Personal Evolution and Self-Discovery In our own lives, we frequently encounter moments that compel us to reflect on who we are and who we are becoming. Challenges, milestones, and pivotal events serve as catalysts for introspection and growth. These experiences often prompt us to question our identity and our path.

The Concept of Un-Becoming  Paul Coehlo, author of “The Alchemist” wrote, “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” The idea of “un-becoming” suggests shedding layers of ourselves that are not aligned with our true essence. It is about letting go of societal expectations, conditioned behaviors, and false identities that obscure our true nature. By un-becoming, we create space to rediscover our authentic selves.

Embracing True Nature Discovering or rediscovering our true nature involves deep introspection and a willingness to confront and release what no longer serves us. It requires us to tune into our inner voice and values, and to live in alignment with our authentic self. This journey of becoming involves showing up in life in a way that reflects our true nature, be it in health, relationships, or other life circumstances.

Practical Steps for Transformation

  1. Mindfulness and Reflection: Regular practices of mindfulness and reflection can help us stay connected with our true selves. Journaling, meditation, and spending time in nature are effective ways to cultivate awareness.
  2. Letting Go: Identify and release beliefs, habits, and patterns that do not resonate with your true self. This can be a gradual process, requiring patience and self-compassion.
  3. Embracing Change: View challenges and changes as opportunities for growth. Embrace them with an open mind and heart, trusting in the process of transformation.
  4. Nurturing Relationships: Surround yourself with people who support and inspire your journey of becoming. Positive relationships can provide encouragement and perspective.
  5. Living Authentically: Make choices that align with your values and true nature. This might involve setting boundaries, pursuing passions, or taking risks that feel right for you.
  6. Sound and Connection at the YOUniversity: Our bodies, like finely tuned instruments, resonate with the vibrations of life around us. By aligning ourselves with these natural frequencies, we can achieve a state of harmony and balance. Modern science and ancient wisdom both emphasize the importance of this alignment, highlighting techniques that transform energy, promote wellness, and foster deep connections. At the YOUniversity, we offer two unique experiences that merge modern science and ancient wisdom to transform energy and promote wellness: Sound “Bath” Journeys and “Joyful Rhythms” Drum Circles.

By embracing the concept of un-becoming, we open ourselves to the endless possibilities of who we can become. Just as nature transforms, so do we, continually evolving and becoming more aligned with our true selves.


Check out our upcoming Sound Journeys, Drum Circles, and Retreats to support you throughout each season of your life!

Offered year-round in Baywood-Los Osos, CA and various locations in San Luis Obispo County. Visitors to the beautiful central coast of CA are welcome!

Public and custom private events!

See ALL of our events on our CALENDAR page including Thursday, June 20 – Strawberry Moon Sound Journey

~Dee DiGioia, Founder of “Mindful Kindful YOUniversity”  / Sound Healing Practitioner / Drum Circle Facilitator / Mindfulness & Life Skills Guide for Well-being through Nature Connectedness Retreats

~ Additional Inspirations ~

Everything in the universe changes energy all the time. What falls apart becomes source. It’s an exchange. There’s no judgment. There’s no positive or negative. It’s just energy transforming.

Let Nature and the elements support you.

Engage in the practice of releasing dense, heavy energy. Allow the wind to carry it away, let it drift downstream in a river, transform it through the power of fire, or compost it into the earth. In exchange, invite lighter, transformational energy to enter your being. Feel nourished and renewed by this natural process of release and renewal. ~ Dee DiGioia

“What if the task is simply to unfold, to become who you already are in your essential nature: gentle, compassionate and capable of living fully and passionately present?” ~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

“When you go out into the woods, and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree.

The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you are constantly saying ‘You are too this, or I’m too this.’ That judgment mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.”  ~Ram Dass

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition. Each time, you’ll learn something. Each time, you’ll develop strength, wisdom, and perspective. Each time, a little more of the competition falls away. Until all that is left is you: the best version of YOU.” ~Ryan Holiday

“When all is said and done, life is the real curriculum. Life itself is the real curriculum. And how we are in relationship to this very moment is the real meditation practice.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn


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